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We Guarantee you Lose 15+ lbs in the next 12 weeks or its free!
Claim Your FREE 60-Minute Strategy Session With A Professional To Get A Custom Step-By-Step Strategy On Exactly How To Lose The Weight And Keep It Off
(Valued at $197)


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Finally, A simple yet Affective way For You To lose the weight for good!
Sick of yo-yo dieting? Tired of playing a guessing game with your health? I was too, and I struggled for over 10 years. 

My name is Brett Morrice, founder of Better Health University, and despite the physique you see I have today, it was not always this way. Growing up I was incredibly skinning, practically skin and bones, and I was very insecure about it. I felt weak and vulnerable, and others noticed this and bullied me for it. 

This went on for years and I felt I was stuck in the body I was given. I would think to myself "this is just who I am, there's nothing I can do to change it." And this belief destroyed my self confidence and as a result my mental health took a dive-bomb. 

As the insecurities mounted, my social anxiety soared through the roof. I felt I had no control over my life and I had no pride in who I was. I was pulled out of school several times, at my worst I missed an entire month. 
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However, through this pain, I found my greatest gifts. At the time I was actively seeing a therapist who helped me understand my anxiety and how to control it. And it was here that I found my greatest relief in the gym.

I viewed exercise as my golden ticket to break out of my insecurities and rebuild my confidence

But the story doesn't end here...

For the next 10 years, I drove my body into the ground. I worked incredibly hard, but I had no idea what I was doing. I just felt the harder I worked the better results I'd get. Makes sense right? So I continued to work harder, and harder. And I saw some results overtime, but I was no where close to where I wanted to be
Over the years I tried everything from extreme workouts, lifting 6 days a week + 3-4 HIIT workouts + hours more on the treadmill. Paying for many "quick fix" programs promising abs of steel. What happened? I lost muscle, gained fat, and hated myself for it.

My nutrition was no better... I tried fasting for days, restricting sodium and water, cutting out carbs, and just about any other diet that was trending at the time. And all of them left me feeling miserable and discouraged

I would see people online with these incredible physiques that seemed unattainable. I would think to myself:
"There's no way they are working that much harder than I am. They have to know something I don't."
And I was right.

They were doing half the work I was and had far more to show for it. They were loving life, drinking alcohol, doing no cardio at all, and they still looked photoshopped. (Who knows maybe they were, but that's besides the point). 

They knew more than I did. They knew how to make fitness work for them. And once I learned the truth, everything came easier
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In less than a year I gained more muscle and lost more fat than I ever had in the 10 years prior. All while doing far less. 

> I stopped all the cardio and only did exercises I enjoyed. 
> I kept up my active social life without sabotaging my results. 
> I only ate foods I loved and I never had more energy.

Now am I special case? No. If I can breakthrough my anxieties and achieve the results I desire on auto-pilot, so can you. And the truth is, everyones situation is unique, and it's all about making health and fitness work for you.
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Through my experiences with working with 100's of women and men of all backgrounds, I've learned that true health is not the number on the scale. True health is having love and respect for yourself and your body. It's being proud of who you are now and always striving to become more. 

It's having peace of mind, an abundance of energy, healthy relationships, and feeling fully in control of your life. 

Your mental health is just as important as the physical, and for me I've learned to fall in love with investing in myself. I've found sanctuary in doing everything that helps me to grow into the best version of myself I can be. I believe the more you are as an individual, you more you have to give to others. And with my years as a health coach, my mission is to help others fall in love with investing in themselves.
Weight loss has little to do with what you lose and a lot to do with what you gain.
At Better Health University, we focus not only on helping you to lose weight, but also to gain muscle, gain confidence, gain energy, gain your best self back.

You are here reading this because you recognize you can be better.

You want more for yourself.

You deserve more for yourself and I'm here to guide the way. 

Understand, that your past is not your future. No matter how long you've been stuck, you can change your state of health at any time.

And for many, that first step to reclaiming your life is rebuilding your body and feeling confident in your own skin.

So here at BHU, we help busy women & men lose a MINIMUM of 15+ pounds of body fat in as little as 12 weeks! But don't worry, we do far more than that!

I unlocked the secret for myself and ended the suffering and my goal is to teach you how to do the same.

In the last several years we’ve shown 100's of busy moms, business owners, & hard-working professionals how to easily lose stubborn belly fat for the last time without years of hard work and trial and error. We’ve delivered life-changing results for our clients, and we can do the same for you too.
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Simply Follow Our new & unique strategy for Success & You’ll Never struggle with your weight ever again.
Sustainable weight-loss can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step blueprint and you’ll start losing the weight in no time without exhausting your busy schedule.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you'll also greatly improve your energy, habits, and mental health more than you would be able to on your own.
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Sadly, 80% of women & men will never lose the fat and keep it off for good. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught the right way to sustainably improve their health. It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.

We can show you exactly what we did for 100's of busy professionals and how our clients were able to lose the belly fat without giving up their favorite foods or doing any cardio, using the same strategies. 
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But I know what you're thinking...

"I've tried everything and nothing works.
How will this be any different?"

I totally understand and I don't blame you for feeling that way. It's painful when you invest your time, energy, and money and are left with seemingly nothing to show for it. But make no mistake, there is value in that pain. That's because your past failures will drive you to succeed in the future, and with our support, we will help you get there in the present

The fact that you're here, reading this right now, tells me that you're serious about achieving your goals. When you're serious, you're willing to commit. And I know it is people like yourself who are ready to commit who will succeed with the right coaching and accountability.  

And those two key words, coaching and accountability, are the two main factors that I live by as a coach which accounts for every single success story you see on this page. But what does this mean inside the BHU programs? Let me tell you!

1. Coaching

2. Accountability

1. Coaching

When it comes to any health journey, half the battle is knowing what to do to achieve the best results in the least amount of time. And unfortunately, there is a ton of confusing information out there about nutrition and exercise

Even worse, the information is always changing. One day carbs are evil and the next is you should put butter in your coffee... This conflicting information is the reason why so most people fail to get real results. And this is where coaching comes in. As your coach, I will take all the guesswork out for you. I will make it very clear what to do and how to do it. 

Educational content like this is a core aspect of our programs. It's all about finding the right balance that allows you to live the lifestyle you enjoy while making consistent progress towards your goals. When you join our program you can be confident that you will receive all the plans, education, and guidance you need to succeed well beyond the program. 

That said, I could write the best nutrition and exercise plan for anyone, but nothing changes if they don't stick to it. And the truth is, all the information you ever need is available for free on a little thing called Google. So why would you ever need a coach? Because Google can't keep you accountable, but I can.

2. Accountability

When you factor in the right accountability, you'll be able to achieve more results than you ever imagined. From my perspective, accountability is me refusing to let you give up or fall off track. It's a fail-proof plan to guarantee results, every time

All the success stories you'll find below were achieved because of the level of accountability that we incorporate into our programs. 

Honestly, it's very easy to get started, especially if you're motivated because it's January 1st or you have a wedding coming up. The hard part is staying consistent. But when you have a coach keeping you accountable, you're set up for success because you have a guided plan to follow and a coach ensuring you stick to it.

This isn't to say that you need to be perfect. You're human and it's expected to have set backs, but the key is how quickly you are able to get back on track and that's the value accountability can provide. 

Having this level of accountability gives you (my next client) confidence in knowing that it is very difficult to fail on this journey. Truthfully, the only way it is possible to not get results is if you outright refuse to do what I suggest. I can't force you to take action so that is the only way you wouldn't get results in this program. 
When it comes to any health journey, half the battle is knowing what to do to achieve the best results in the least amount of time. And unfortunately, there is a ton of confusing information out there about nutrition and exercise

Even worse, the information is always changing. One day carbs are evil and the next is you should put butter in your coffee... This conflicting information is the reason why so most people fail to get real results. And this is where coaching comes in. As your coach, I will take all the guesswork out for you. I will make it very clear what to do and how to do it. 

Educational content like this is a core aspect of our programs. It's all about finding the right balance that allows you to live the lifestyle you enjoy while making consistent progress towards your goals. When you join our program you can be confident that you will receive all the plans, education, and guidance you need to succeed well beyond the program. 

That said, I could write the best nutrition and exercise plan for anyone, but nothing changes if they don't stick to it. And the truth is, all the information you ever need is available for free on a little thing called Google. So why would you ever need a coach? Because Google can't keep you accountable, but I can.
When it comes to any health journey, half the battle is knowing what to do to achieve the best results in the least amount of time. And unfortunately, there is a ton of confusing information out there about nutrition and exercise. 

Even worse, the information always seems to be changing. One day carbs are evil and the next is you should put butter in your coffee... This conflicting information is the reason why so most people fail to get real results. This is where coaching comes in. As your coach, I will take all the guesswork out for you. I will make it very clear what to do and exactly how to do it. 

Educational content like this is a core aspect of our programs. It's all about finding the right balance that allows you to live the lifestyle you enjoy while making consistent progress towards your goals. When you join our program you can confident that you will receive all the plans, education, and guidance you need to succeed well beyond the program. 

That said, I could write the best nutrition and exercise plan for anyone, but nothing changes if they don't stick to it. And the truth is, all the information you ever need is available for free on a little thing called Google. So why would you ever need a coach? Because Google can't keep you accountable, but I can.
When it comes to any health journey, half the battle is knowing what to do to achieve the best results in the least amount of time. And unfortunately, there is a ton of confusing information out there about nutrition and exercise. 

Even worse, the information always seems to be changing. One day carbs are evil and the next is you should put butter in your coffee... This conflicting information is the reason why so most people fail to get real results. This is where coaching comes in. As your coach, I will take all the guesswork out for you. I will make it very clear what to do and exactly how to do it. 

Educational content like this is a core aspect of our programs. It's all about finding the right balance that allows you to live the lifestyle you enjoy while making consistent progress towards your goals. When you join our program you can confident that you will receive all the plans, education, and guidance you need to succeed well beyond the program. 

That said, I could write the best nutrition and exercise plan for anyone, but nothing changes if they don't stick to it. And the truth is, all the information you ever need is available for free on a little thing called Google. So why would you ever need a coach? Because Google can't keep you accountable, but I can.
When you factor in the right accountability, you'll be able to achieve more results than you ever imagined. From my perspective, accountability is me refusing to let you give up or fall off track. It's a fail-proof plan to guarantee results, every time

All the success stories you'll find below were achieved because of the level of accountability that we incorporate into our programs. 

Honestly, it's very easy to get started, especially if you're motivated because it's January 1st or you have a wedding coming up. The hard part is staying consistent. But when you have a coach keeping you accountable, you're set up for success because you have a guided plan to follow and a coach ensuring you stick to it.

This isn't to say that you need to be perfect. You're human and it's expected to have set backs, but the key is how quickly you are able to get back on track and that's the value accountability can provide. 

Having this level of accountability gives you (my next client) confidence in knowing that it is very difficult to fail on this journey. Truthfully, the only way it is possible to not get results is if you outright refuse to do what I suggest. I can't force you to take action so that is the only way you wouldn't get results in this program. 

So if you feel coaching and accountability is what you need, then let me introduce to you my 12 week program...


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12 weeks of 1:1 online coaching - All of our coaching programs are tailored to the specific needs of every single individual we work with. Meaning all our plans are based around your schedule, social life, food preferences, physical limitations, goals, struggles, etc.
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Fully Customized Nutrition Plan - We’ll teach you how to eat however you want without sabotaging results. This includes done for you meal plans, healthy recipe guides, family style meals, and more to ensure the plan is both enjoyable and realistic for your lifestyle.
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Custom-Built Workout Plans - We'll teach you how to maximize your progress in the least amount of time. No need to join a gym or buy any equipment, we'll create a workout plan that takes all the guesswork out and helps you build lean muscle at any age.
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Healthy lifestyle development - We'll show you how to create a routine that allows you to maintain good health on autopilot. This involves mindset trainings to get you feeling more confident in your own skin and creating habits to boost your energy and reduce stress.
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Education - We don't want to just tell you what to do to get great results, you want to teach you everything we know so you never have to rely on another coach or program again. We'll share the industry secrets with you to ensure you feel 100% in control of your health. 
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Accountability - Walk through the whole journey with an expert by your side. This involves UNLIMITED accountability which includes daily motivation, weekly checkins, monthly calls, and 24/7 text and call support with your coach. You are never in it alone. 
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Here’s A Brief Outline Of What you'll RECEIVE inside our 12 week program
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12 weeks of 1:1 online coaching - All of our coaching programs are tailored to the specific needs of every single individual we work with. Meaning all our plans are based around your schedule, social life, food preferences, physical limitations, goals, struggles, etc.
​Fully Customized Nutrition Plans - We’ll teach you how to eat however you want without sabotaging results. This includes done for you meal plans, healthy recipe guides, family style meals, and more to ensure the plan is both enjoyable and realistic for your lifestyle.
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Custom-Built Workout Plans - We'll teach you how to maximize your progress in the least amount of time. No need to join a gym or buy any equipment, we'll create a workout plan that takes all the guesswork out and helps you build lean muscle at any age.
Healthy lifestyle development - We'll show you how to create a routine that allows you to maintain good health on autopilot. This involves mindset trainings to get you feeling more confident in your own skin and creating habits to boost your energy and reduce stress.
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Education - We don't want to just tell you what to do to get great results, you want to teach you everything we know so you never have to rely on another coach or program again. We'll share the industry secrets with you to ensure you feel 100% in control of your health. 
Accountability - Walk through the whole journey with an expert by your side. This involves UNLIMITED accountability which includes daily motivation, weekly checkins, monthly calls, and 24/7 text and call support with your coach. You are never in it alone. 
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Here's What Our Clients Have To Say About Us...

I'm 60 years old, been yo-yo dieting for years... I've hired trainers, life coaches, other programs like Weight Watchers... nothing clicked like this clicked with me... I lost a descent amount of weight... & I now have a healthier attitude & relationship with food!
Barbara E.

It's not like any other program I've done before... I have been trying to convince everyone I know to do it because it's probably the most beneficial thing I've done in a very very long time, if ever!
Brittany L.

This program helped me with my mental health & overall daily routine... it taught me I don't have to do crazy diets or workouts... the tools & education will last forever & you can't get that everywhere!
Alexandria S.

I felt lost & had no idea where to start. I tried other diets before & all the weight came back every time... I loved the workouts & significantly increased the weight I was lifting... I lost inches & gained muscle, now 3 pairs of pants no longer fit... plus my blood pressure came down!
Deena D.
this program is for you if...
  • ​You're an overworked business owner that can't afford to spend hours in the kitchen & gym. (See Jeri's story). 
  • ​You suffer from severe joint pain & fatigue that limits your daily functioning. (See Arezoo's story).
  • You have anxiety & depression & need to establish a healthier relationship with yourself. (See Nancy's story).
  • You're a busy mom who puts everyone else first & need simple ways to invest in yourself. (See Heather's Story).
  • Your metabolism slowed down & you've tried everything to lose the weight. (See Barbara's story).
  • Health conditions run in your family & you're not sure how to prevent them. (See Brittany's story).

You can find the full testimonials below!

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Save Yourself years Of Costly Trial & Error By Using Our Blueprint To lose the weight quickly & SUSTAINABLY 
Why waste 10+ years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself? You can save this time and get much better results when you get our expert advice and use our blueprint to achieve weight loss that lasts a lifetime! Just how fast can you see results? 

Our average client can expect by;
1 week - 1-2 lbs down, pure clarity on exactly what to do.
4 weeks - 6-8 lbs down, feel lighter with less body aches, more energy to play with kids & perform at work, strong boost of self-esteem.
8 weeks - 10-14 lbs down, family & friends complimenting their physique, feel less stressed & much better sleep, noticeable mental clarity. 
12 weeks - 15-20 lbs down, flatter belly helping clothes to fit more comfortably, confidence in working out in public, feel 100% in control of their health.

So, are you ready to lose the weight sustainably in the shortest time possible? To have more freedom to live the lifestyle you desire without sabotaging your results or spending the years of hard work it usually takes? Then claim your free strategy session while you still can.
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Our Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We know you've likely tried many coaches and programs in the past that failed to deliver all they promised so we understand your skepticism. And we're so confident our new and unique sustainable weight-loss strategies will deliver the results you're looking for that we're willing to put our money on the line to prove it.

When you join us at BHU, you can invest with confidence because you’ll be covered by our money back guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event that you follow the program and don't lose a MINIMUM of 15 pounds in 12 weeks, we’ll refund every cent you’ve invested with us.
Claim Your FREE
No-Obligation 60-Minute strategy session
(Valued at $197)
During this no-obligation call, we will discuss your specific situation and show you how we can help you reach your weight-loss goal in the shortest time possible.

Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE strategy session...
  • How to use our new groundbreaking approach to achieve sustainable weight-loss in just 12 weeks without cutting out any foods or doing any exercises you don't like. 
  • ​The exact process we’ve used to take 100's of busy parents, business owners, and overworked professionals from overweight and burnt-out to a flat belly with higher energy, and a healthier mindset!
  • An 100% personalized roadmap that will show you the exact steps to take that will bring you from your current health situation to your desired health goal!
This is ONLY for people who are serious about losing the weight and keeping it off permanently as spots are strictly limited. Enter your details below now to avoid disappointment & secure your strategy session.

ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT (Updated Today @ 10am EST)



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But wait! Before booking a call, let me be 100% honest...

This Program Is NOT For Everyone

As motivating and exciting as it is to see people just like yourself achieving their dreams, it's important to note that this 12 week program is not for everyone. 

Yes, the end result is worth every bit, but achieving these results requires:

> Discipline with showing up for yourself everyday
> Commitment to stick with the program for the full 12 weeks
> Honesty tracking your progress with your nutrition and exercise
> Investing your time an energy to achieve all you desire 

Truthfully, if you feel you can't give me all the above then we wouldn't be a good fit. 

However, if you're reading this and think "Yes, I can give 100% effort towards this program!" then wait no further and book a call today! 

But, if you’re reading this and think “Money is tight right now.” or “Let me think about it for a few months” or “I'm not ready to commit to this right now” then now isn’t the right time. 

But honestly… is there ever a perfect time? 

Though every success story on this page is different, there is one thing they all have in common. And it's that they took the leap of faith and made the decision to start this journey.  

That’s the truth, just by taking action and deciding to just start (even at the worst possible time or when they least felt like it), all these individuals just like yourself have made massive progress in their personal health and well-being. All it took was a decision to start. 

And while there will always be reasons to delay getting started, you’ve made it this far, and I can tell you without a doubt, taking this first step is by far the hardest.

So really, you have 3 options to choose from…

Option #1: Go Backwards

Most people choose this option without even knowing it. The unhealthy habits they support everyday are only digging them a deeper grave. And it doesn't help that we're only getting older.

Option #2: Stay The Same

This is arguably the most painful option. Staying in the same exact painful place you're in right now will only further deplete your self confidence and mental health.

Option #3: Get Results

Decide to commit to yourself. Place your trust in me and I will do everything in my power to help you achieve all the results you deserve and desire.

The choice is yours...
but really, there is only ONE

You deserve to be happy and healthy and I know how to do just that for you. I get it's a scary decision to make, but true growth and progress always happens outside the comfort zone. Decide today to step out of your comfort zone, and together we will step into a brighter future that leads to you feeling like your best self again. 


How much does this cost?

Considering all our plans are custom for each individual, it's impossible to estimate a price without talking with you first to understand what exactly you would benefit from most. It's similar to going to your doctor and expecting a diagnosis without telling them your symptoms. This is why we do phone calls to get a better understanding of your exact situation so we can build a plan that is best suited for your specific needs and desires.

Do you have a money back guarantee?

Yes! We are so confident in our programs that if you put the work in for 12 weeks and don't lose a MINIMUM of 15 lbs, we'll refund you every penny. We began offering this guarantee earlier this year and since we have not needed to refund a single person. 

Will I need to give up my social life?

Absolutely not! We'll create a meal plan that is very realistic for your lifestyle. We believe the diet you follow to lose the weight should always be the same diet you follow to maintain. So we'll ensure the nutrition plans are both flexible and enjoyable to help you stay on track while maintaining an active lifestyle. 

Do I need a gym membership?

Nope, it's not necessary. You tell us what equipment you have and we'll create a workout plan around it. No need to join a gym and do any exercises you don't like. 

Is this program only for women?

About 90% of our clients are women, but we certainly work with men as well. This program will work for anyone who is serious about losing weight, no matter the gender.

Does this program work if you're over 50?

Yes! Some of our most successful clients have been over the age of 60! After menopause it is common for your metabolism to slow down, however you are still fully capable of losing the weight at any age. We will teach you how to work around this as well how to increase your metabolism long-term!

Is all the coaching online?

Yes, our programs are 100% online. Though this may seem very different from in-person coaching, we've found we can do much more to help working online. This allows us to work with you on all areas of your health including your nutrition, exercise, habits, mindset, and lifestyle, whereas in-person we would be limited to only 1 or 2 areas. This also allows us to communicate with you 24/7. 

Is there a trial period?

No, there is not. On the call, if we both feel you are a good fit for the program, it is necessary you commit for the full 12 weeks. We know if you follow the program you will see results, otherwise we wouldn't guarantee it. It is only if you aren't willing to put the plans into action that you won't. Creating sustainable change takes time, and you must we willing to commit for the full duration of the program.

What happens after the 12 weeks?

Our objective is to give you all the support, guidance, and education necessary so you can continue to progress with your goals on your own after the 12 weeks, but there will be more ways we can continue to work together after the program. All the clients that continue after the 12 weeks do so because they love the program and accountability, not because they don't have the tools to succeed on their own.
 Copyright Better Health University LLC 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.